A great Property management is the key to successful real estate as it’s been quoted. There is an indispensable need to manage visitors in apartments, villa compounds or any type of property with many tenants. As of today, we see a system where visitors have to produce their identity documents and an internal process takes place where either the security at the gate confirms the tenant details with the visitors or they recheck with the respective Tenant for any potential visitors for the day.

There is lot of efforts involved and not necessarily any records of visitor entry involved as part of managing the property. Providing a secure access with no major hurdles for visitors nor tenants is the need for today to ensure smooth method of managing people in the property for any real estate /property owner.

Meet Pass is at the extremity to abolish the traditional system and provide a smarter way to manage people at a property. With a Meet Pass system any tenant can invite their respective visitor who will eventually have the Meet pass application and the Meet pass to be produced at security gate. The security who would have admin access with details of all visitors for will be able to provide a smooth entry for visitors. We believe this is one of the most sustainable way with no longer a requirement to provide identity documents or any other details to visit any property.

In a general perception of Property owner, he would be able to track visitors at premise and keep track of security which will safeguard the interest of the tenants at the property. We call it the residential Pass feature of Meet Pass solely for managing people as part of effective property Management.

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Staying on top of the client's expectations after a meeting can be a huge challenge. With Meet Pass Being able to organize meeting notes and track progress towards the client's goals can make a huge difference in customer satisfaction. Our meeting intelligence and management solutions make it easy to track objectives.

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